Product Used
San Antonio
  • 1 kg San Antonio Tres Estrellas® Wheat Flour
  • 0.70 oz Salt
  • 0.35 oz Baking powder
  • 5.29 - 7.05 oz vegetable shortening
  • 17.63 - 19.40 oz water (heated to 25° C)
How To Make It
  • Mix San Antonio Tres Estrellas® Wheat Flour with salt and baking powder. Add and mix the butter, add the water little by little and knead until a soft and firm dough is formed.
  • Let the dough rest for at least 15 minutes.
  • Form small balls of dough, flatten them a little with your hand; on a flat surface roll out with a rolling pin, forming a circle.
  • Cook on a hot comal or griddle.