Product Used

For the pasta:

  • 2 cups Tres Estrellas® Light Pancake Mix
  • 1 1/2 cups Milk
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tbsps Melted butter

For the filling:

  • 12 cheese slices
  • 12 slices ham
  • 12 strips bacon
  • 12 slices Manchego cheese
How To Make It
  • Blend the ingredients for the batter. Melt a little butter in a non-stick skillet, pour enough batter for one pancake into a pan, forming a circle, and let it cook until bubbles form on the surface. Flip and cook for one more minute and remove from the pan; be careful not to let it dry out. Repeat the procedure until all the batter has been used.
  • Place the pancakes on a platter and place a cheese slice, a slice of ham, bacon and manchego cheese on each one; roll them up and put them in the oven until the cheese melts. Garnish as desired.